Tomodachi Life Pity Party

  1. Tomodachi Life Pity Party Under Way
  2. Pity Party Meaning
  3. Tomodachi Life Play On Computer

Welcome to to Tomodachi Life, the brand new game for the Nintendo 3DS! We live on an island, where your Miis interact together in an apartment building, making friends, fighting, falling in love, wearing costumes, eating hamburgers, having rap battles, playing concerts, going on RPG quests, & dreaming the most bizarre dreams.

Tomodachi Life Pity Party Under Way

This is based on opinion. Please don't list it on a work's trope example list.

Pity Party Meaning

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  • When a couple breaks up, one can trigger the flashback of the wonderful times one of the Miis had with their sweetheart, with heartwrenching music in the background, ending with the Mii sitting on the beach, staring into the sunset alone. There can also be extended versions of the breakup memories, if the Mii's sweetheart gets stolen by another Mii. One starts off with the couple splashing each other on the beach, to the couple playing tennis together, to the Mii telling a joke no one was listening to, to the Mii playing tennis alone, and finally giving up, then sitting on the beach alone.
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  • It's possible for a Mii who already has a sweetheart to accept going out with another Mii, leaving their former sweetheart completely despondent. This even produces the same flashbacks as when Miis break up due to other circumstances. To make matters worse, this eerie song plays in the apartment of the one who initiates the breakup or the one who was cheated on.
  • Occasionally, if you give a Mii a disposable camera and ask them to take an islander's photo, they will shoot a photo of two sweethearts sitting near the window in the Café. The ex of one of the sweethearts will look in from outside the window, looking absolutely miserable.
  • Sometimes, a Mii who went through a divorce might want to rekindle their relationship, and get back together. This is especially painful if their former partner is in another relationship.
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  • When a couple's child grows up, you're given the option to have them live on the island or send them out to explore the world. If you choose the latter, they will never become a permanent resident of the island. They will only return to the island for short visits before leaving again. This can make viewing the child's baby album during the credits all the more poignant.
  • It is possible for a traveler Mii to get StreetPassed to another player's 3DS, only for the traveler to never migrate again, much less back to your island, for any number of reasons (e.g., traveling to an island whose owner then deletes their save data, turns off StreetPass (which deletes any present Travelers), allows a traveler to be overwritten by another traveler in the queue line before the port (since there's no limit to the amount of Miis you can receive from others, which caps at 50 (10 on the port itself and 40 in a queue line), or loses the SD Card containing their Tomodachi Life StreetPass data). One post on GameFAQsput it this way:note
    It's me.... I'm alone.... I don't know what happened. I was so happy with you guys and I know you couldn't keep me around forever... I don't know where I am.... There's nothing around me.... I'm so cold..... hungry.... I don't know if I'll make it... But before I go, I want you to know that I love you and I don't blame you for letting me go.... Mom.... Dad... I hope we'll meet again one day....
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  • Even the music is sad when a traveler comes to stay in your campground normally and makes you choked up.
  • Telling a Mii who confesses to you that they have feelings for another Mii to not pursue a relationship. Once this happens, a sad rainy cloud will loom over their head, complete with sad music. If you tap on their thought bubble, they will say this:
    'I guess I'm just not good enough...'
  • When a Mii apologizes to a Mii that they had a fight with, and the apology fails. And yes, this can result in friendships getting broken unless they change their mind at the last second:
    Mii A: 'I'm sorry about what happened.'
    Mii B: 'I'm still not over it.'
    [Sad violin fanfare]
  • When there's an aggressive fight between two Miis, and a third fails to help them make up. This is especially the case if they're dating or married, as at this point, a break up/divorce is imminent. The Mii who intervened will look on very disappointed that their plan failed. This is also the case the third Mii was the best friend of one of the fighters, and is upset that they will never make up with the opposite Mii who is now no longer a friend.
  • When one party of a fighting couple wants to make up, but fails. Horrifying bells are heard as they hang their head in shame, not to mention the more affected partner being shrouded in the standard Sadness cloud along with watching the Sweetheart/Spouse bubble empty itself. Both Miis will show up in each other's Relationships page as 'Ex-Sweetheart/Spouse', to remind you that they aren't going to be getting back any time soon. And the music that plays after a divorce...
    • What makes this sadder is the fact no other Miis, even the children of the Miis wanting to divorce, will step in to give advice, or at least encourage them to give another chance.
  • The game does not want you to erase your data. The Mii that serves as your look-alike will appear on the top screen, running in slo-mo as if to stop you. They have dialogue for each of the times you say yes. This further emphasized by inputting the name of your island in order to finally complete the process:
    2. Are you sure about this?
    4. Nooo! Why? I hope we can meet again someday!note / You may have deleted everything, but we still had lots of nice memories!note
  • A Mii's desperate cries of 'I need to eat something! ANYTHING!' can trigger this feeling for those are afraid of starvation, or just worried that they're neglecting that Mii.
  • When a Mii gets rejected:
    [with an echo effect] 'I'm sorry...'
  • When a Mii's crush doesn't even bother to show up to meet them.note
  • Whenever a Mii that wants to play a game with you has a frown on their face. Any other similar instance is more heartwarming, especially if the Mii that wants to play is smiling.
  • A pity party can be thrown at the Café for a Mii who's depressed over a rejection or break-up and has several friends remaining. The three friends will make awkward small talk in an attempt to cheer the sad Mii up, but in between each conversation, they all look over at the despondent Mii, who is completely silent and does nothing but stare sadly at their food. The cycle continues endlessly with them trying and failing to lighten the mood.
  • Seeing a confessing Mii lose to a love rival really hurts. Sure you can deny the crush a relationship from the rival, but seeing the confessor run away defeated really stings.
  • It is possible to receive a traveler from an island that has been deleted.
  • In the European version at least, one of the default things your Mii can tell you is 'Why bother having dreams if they're not gonna come true?'. No, they don't say it when they just were broken up with, failed to make up, etc.; they only say this with their default face. The Dissonant Serenity (unless they are a Perpetual Frowner) makes this worse and can imply certain things about the Mii's past before moving to the island.
  • A slow, sadder orchestral version of the 'in love' music is heard when you visit a Mii who is missing their former lover.
  • Failing at proposals. Represented by three hearts between the Miis, every miss equals one heart loss; losing all three hearts will cause the sweetheart to leave, and the proposing Mii will reluctantly agree. This gets even worse if this happens at the train station, where sometimes the failure will result in the sweetheart leaving on the train, as the Mii waves while looking very disappointed.
  • Occasionally, a Mii may ask you if another Mii likes them. If you tell them to go for it and their feelings aren't reciprocated, the Mii will say this:
    Mii:It's not like I even like [them] that much anyway...
  • If a Mii's feelings for their crush isn't reciprocated, the Mii may attempt to confess their feelings again. There's a chance the crush will still not accept their feelings, either saying they're not interested, they will send a friend to tell the Mii that they're not interested, or they won't show up to meet the Mii at all. If this happens, the Mii will become even sadder than before:
  • Miis that have their relationships not working can be given the choice to move on. When doing so, they politely tell their partner they should go back to being just friends,note and the partner will be completely heartbroken and hangs its head as the Mii walks out.
  • Most dreams are weird or humorous, but occasionally a Mii will dream that they are in their apartment, saying they haven't seen you in 50 years, their hair grey from age. It's an unexpectedly sad dream.
  • If a married couple breaks up after they have had children, it's pretty sad to watch the family albums of the divorced couples, especially after you've sent their kid off traveling.
'I'm still not over it.'


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  • Take a drink every time a Mii levels up.
  • Take a drink every time two Miis get in a fight. Take an extra sip if during your attempts to try and cheer them up, they level up while they're in a fight with another Mii.
    • Take a drink if before you do calm them (Or if after they reject the apology and the daydream is the 'Treasure Toss' variant), they throw any item that could pass as Toilet Humor (Disposable Diaper or Potty).
    • Take another if they fail to make up.
    • Take two drinks if the fight they have in daydream format is over a bear.
    • Take another if it was a very hostile fight represented by flame auras.
      • Drink until you pass out when the third Mii tries to get them to make up, and fails.
    • Down your bottle whole if two Miis get into a fight, the apology is accepted, and several hours or days later the same two Miis get into another fight.
  • Take a drink if a Mii informs you that two Miis who are currently sleeping are in a hostile fight.
    • Add another if they fail to make up.
  • Take a drink if a Mii in a fight says 'I don't want to fight with [Mii] anymore' immediately after rejecting that Mii's apology.
  • Take a drink when your Mii forces you to sit through a Big-Lipped Alligator Momentnote
    • If the Mii is asking 'I need to sneeze, but it won't come out!', 'I wish I was all grown up...', or 'I want to be a kid again', take two drinks instead. If one of the later two occur and the Mii is based on a copyrighted character, take three instead.
      • If you do respond to the Mii's request to be aged up/down then revert them to their original age afterwards, if several hours later they repeat 'I wish I was all grown up...', or 'I want to be a kid again', down your bottle.
    • If the Mii asks you to view their stomach, take another drink if their stomach is empty.
    • Take a drink if the funny face they pull changes the shape of their face.
  • Take a drink every time a Mii tells you that someone wants to meet them up on the roof.
    • Take another if a paper or photo is given to them during the meetup.
  • Take a drink if a Mii attempts to confess their feelings over a Mii that's already in a relationship.
    • Take a drink if a Mii has feelings for your Mii, or vice versa.
      • Throw up your drink if it's a Mii you don't like.
  • Take a drink every time a Mii falls in love with another Mii and the two Miis are related.
    • If a Mii sets up two Miis related to one another, take two drinks if it's successful.
  • Take three drinks if the Ex of a married Mii attempts to get back together with the Mii they were once in love with.
    • Take another if the other Mii is already in another relationship, and finish the bottle if the other Mii is already married.
  • Take a drink if you feed a Mii their 'worst ever' food.
    • Take two more drinks if you know it's their worst ever food, You Monster!.
    • Take another drink if it's your Mii that got fed said food, and another if you actually like said food in real life.
  • Take a drink if a Mii requests a specific item that isn't available in stores.
  • Take a drink if you give a Mii a particularly expensive item and they don't like it.
    • Add a shot if they outright hate it note .
  • Take a drink every time a Mii calls you and it's because their baby is crying (you'll know it's this when the parent calls you with 'Excuse Me'), or if they got a letter from their traveling son/daughter.
    • Take another if you were planning on doing something else prior to the phone call.
    • And another if you get called the instant you open the game.
    • If you just took care of their child and the child was happy before you left, finish your drink.
    • Finish your drink if you get a call from a Mii saying their child is crying immediately after leaving their house after the said child’s birth.
    • If they call because their traveling son/daughter is visiting, take a celebratory drink. Take another if they leveled up prior to the visit.
  • Take a drink if you can hear a baby crying on the title screen.
  • Take a drink if a Mii gets a stomach virus.
    • Take two if you give them a Stomach Medicine immediately without checking to see what kind of meds they need and they confirm they have a stomach virus.
    • Down your beverage if they give you Cold/Stomach Medicine immediately after they're cured.
  • Take a drink every time a Mii trips over while standing still.
  • Take a drink every time a Mii's laptop crashes.
  • Take a drink every time a Mii is sleeping at the Cafe or the Park.
    • Take two instead if a Mii is spying through the windows of the Cafe.
  • Drink to forget if your Mii successfully breaks up with their sweetheart or spouse.
    • If it was because of a fight, drink until you pass out.
  • Take a drink every time you dress a Mii up in opposite-gender clothes and they actually like it.
  • Take a drink every time you get a Traveler.
    • Drink a celebratory glass of champagne if it's one of your own Travelers. Take an extra drink for every 5 islands they visited.
    • If the line at your dock at the time goes beyond the screen, take another drink, and one more if you got more travelers waiting after the tenth one.
  • Every time a Mii celebrates their birthday, pretend-toast them with a drink and then take said drink.
  • Take a drink every time a Mii based off a fictional character gets handed a piece of clothing that matches their canon clothing perfectly, and the Mii either dislikes it or hates it.
    • Alternatively, take a drink when a Mii based off a fictional character is given a food that their canon self likes, but the Mii dislikes it. Add another drink if it's the Mii's worst/worst ever, and add a couple more if that food was their canon self's Trademark Favorite Food.
  • Take a drink if a Mii asks you about one of their phrases that you have set, and another if you decide to keep it as is.
    • If playing the Japan-onlyCollection,* drink only if you decide to keep it as is.
  • Drink every time you see someone who knows nothing about the game besides its lack of a Gay Option.
  • Take a drink if a couple tries to ship off their child and the dock is full.
  • For café conversations (for best results, use a beverage commonly served in cafés):
    • Take a drink if someone says they should get food.
    • Take a drink if someone mentions how they keep getting a person confused with another. Take another if the two don't look any similar at all, or if the speaker is related to either.
    • Take a drink if the clothing item suggested by one of the Miis is for the opposite gender.
    • If it's a 'pity party'* , take a drink.
    • If a Mii turns away during a conversation, take a sip for each skipped conversation.
    • If a Mii uses the Lampshade Hanging 'Do you ever feel like we always end up talking about the same things over and over?', drink until you can't drink anymore for whatever reason.
  • Take a drink if a Mii is spying on an empty café.
  • Take a drink if something you type in is caught by the game's censor.
    • Add a sip if the word itself is innocent but happens to contain the offending word.
  • Take a drink if a baby is born wearing makeup.
  • Take a drink if a trash food * is being sold at the morning market.
  • Take a drink if, when given a frying pan, a Mii makes a meal that should be impossible to make with a frying pan.
    • Add another if it's a trash food note .
    • Take another if the end result otherwise sounds unappetizing (such as Mayonnaise-covered Tap Water).
    • Take another drink if you give them the food item they just made and they don’t like it.
  • Take a drink if two Miis have a child and the name they think of is the same as one of their siblings.
  • Take a drink if the prize in the Catch mini game is cheaper than the consolation prize.

Tomodachi Life Play On Computer

I wish I was all grown up...
