Tomodachi is a series of simulation games by Nintendo. The series first started in 2009 when Tomodachi Collection was released for the Nintendo DS in Japan. The second game, titled Tomodachi Collection: New Life in Japan, and the first one to receive an international release, as Tomodachi Life, was released for the Nintendo 3DS.
I havd American N3DS XL that i bought in 2015. I bought a Tomodachi Life game. I tried to rock the baby when he/she was born in the family. Unfortunately, I kept failing to rock the baby so bad. Ahh Goodness Gracious! it didn't work at all. I went up badly as it turned out horribly. It's so hard to make baby happy by rocking the baby. I'm very dissapointed because it was very unhelpful and i really didn't read the instructions so bad. I tried to rock the baby but i got disrupted and letting him to take care.
Oh, for Pete's sake. I'm bad at rocking baby to get a better happiness. If i cannot do this on my own, I'm going to hate this game so bad.
Tomodachi Life Baby Rocking
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