Tomodachi Life Worst Food

  1. Tomodachi Life Worst Food Ever Part
  2. Tomodachi Life Food List

In real life, there are a massive of apartments in the world, but in Tomodachi Life, there’s only one apartment. Besides other names that you can name apartments in real life, this Tomodachi Life apartment is named Mii Apartments. The more Miis you’ll get, the more it expands.

Take a drink if you feed a Mii their 'worst ever' food. Take two more drinks if you know it's their worst ever food, You Monster! Take another drink if it's your Mii that got fed said food, and another if you actually like said food in real life. Take a drink if a Mii requests a specific item that isn't available in stores. Well now you know Tomodachi Life, you need to make a Mii first. There are a lot of stuff you can do especially level up, change clothes, eat food, and do more with your Mii. They can like food, drinks, or clothes randomly. If you’re a beginner in Tomodachi Life, read this blog post. Making a new Mii. You can customize your Mii in any design. This blog describes my crazy adventures in Tomodachi Life, a bizarre simulation game for Nintendo 3DS. It is available now. Check out my Tomodachi Life review, scan QR codes, or buy Tomodachi Life at Amazon. Entry 15: Worst Ever Food Bobby Hill asked for some new clothes, but I wasn't sure what to give him.

Your islanders can be in your island for up to a population of an estimate of 100. Unfortunately, you can’t design, color, or change materials on this apartment, only swap the people’s apartments. This is located in the office below apartments 101-108, where it’s located in the entrance.

When you tap on the entrance to the office, there are only 2 options. You can swap apartments where people are in it, or you can view the personality chart on the office. Click on the apartment swap and drag the window and swap on any apartment you want, no matter where people are in it or not.

Everything appears in the Mii News, including new things like unlocking the clothing shop. In the beginning, when you unlock the clothing shop, you can only get certain clothes with certain colors. Later on when your Mii is on level 20 or higher, you can pick as many clothes as you want, as long as you can afford it and the cloth you buy is available.

There are costumes, clothes for both genders, and each clothing group for each gender. The money isn’t real, so remember that.

You can earn money by increasing the Miis XP, and more.

Okay, enough of the money. There are a lot of colors to choose from each of the clothes. Some of the dresses cost more than $300.00 of money. Gowns are not perfect for boys, because I saw a dressing gown in the clothing shop that is also for boys.

You can get food from the Food Mart, however that is not included in the news flash. There are a lot of negative and positive food that people like. Here are some.

  • He/She thought it was the worst ever – Decreases all XP
  • He/She thought it was the worst – Decreases some of the XP
  • He/She didn’t like it at all – Decreases 1/10 of the XP
  • He/She didn’t like it – XP stays the same
  • He/She likes it – Increases 1/8 of the XP
  • He/She really likes it – Increases half the XP
  • He/She loves it – Increases 5/8 of the XP
  • It’s his/her all-time favorite – Increases 3/4 of the XP
  • It’s his/her super all-time favorite – Increases 3/4 of the XP

This is similar to clothing but in food there are worst ever, worst, all-time favorite, and super all-time favorite.

Tomodachi Life Worst Food Ever Part

This is an estimate so please not say it’s wrong.

Tomodachi life worst food ever

Tomodachi Life Food List

In the next blog post, we’ll talk about the pawn shop, items, Leisure Island, the Port, and more.